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Project No. 13

Tacuapí Methodist Church Bathroom

 Sponsors - Mike and Cathy Graham

Snellville, GA

The Tacuapí Methodist Church is where we attend church when we are not on-site drilling.  It is a precious little church and the people are dear to us.  They have the advantage of a nice community well and water system that serves about 60 families.  The Neighborhood Commission that manages the well does a very good job, and the church does not need a well drilled.  However, one morning after church the Pastor, Roberto Rivero, asked if the Agua de Vida Ministry could perhaps build them a bathroom.  All they had was a very primitive latrine, with three walls and a non-functioning door.  The "toilet seat" was a hollow log stuck into the ground.  So - we of course said yes.

Tacuapi Methodist Church and congregation

Tacuapi Pastor Roberto, Pastor Pablo (our Bishop),

Ed and Marcelo (l-r)


Congregation singing praise songs

The NEW bathroom


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